About Taipei Game Developers Forum

The 2024 Taipei Game Developers Forum (TGDF) is now offering early bird passes! Celebrating its thirteenth year, this event aims to provide game developers with a platform for experience sharing, networking, and industry progression.


This year, TGDF will feature a two-day, two-track In-Person Sessions covering a wide range of topics including programming, game design, visual arts, music and sound effects, production, marketing, operations, legal matters, and finally the application of generative AI in gaming. Over twenty speakers from diverse backgrounds, both domestic and international, will share the insights in their respective fields. More importantly, we have invited Paweł Sasko, the Associate Game Director, and Yama Orce, the Concept Artist Lead from CD PROJEKT RED, to bring you exciting content in this year's In-Person Sessions! Other speakers include Daniel Benmergui (Storyteller), Jessica Cheng (Viewfinder / Sad Owl), Jörg Tittel (RapidEyeMovers), Sissi Tu (SIGONO), and a lot more, so don't miss out!


In addition to the paid In-Person Sessions, there will also be free Virtual Sessions scheduled for the weekend following the conclusion of the physical event. Stay tuned for more information, which will be announced on our official website and social media platforms in the coming weeks.


Whether you're a seasoned industry professional or an aspiring newcomer to the gaming industry, the 2024 Taipei Game Developers Forum promises to be a rewarding experience for all!


In-Person Sessions Dates: July 10th - July 11th, 2024
In-Person Sessions Venue: Taipei International Convention Center (No. 1, Section 5, Hsin-Yi Road, Taipei 11049, Taiwan (R.O.C)) - Room 101
Virtual Sessions Dates: July 13th - July 14th, 2024

How to Participate

Individual Pass

Full Price at NTD 2400.
※Early Bird plan ended on May 28. 
※Optional to get 2-day lunch boxes for an additional NTD 500.

Group Pass

Full Price at NTD 1900; for groups of 2 or more people.
※Early Bird plan ended on May 28. 
※Optional to get 2-day lunch boxes for an additional NTD 500.

Student Pass

Full Price at NTD 1000; Relevant student ID checking on-site required.
※Early Bird plan ended on May 28. 
※Optional to get 2-day lunch boxes for an additional NTD 500.

Supporter Pass

Full Price at NTD 4500; perks include reserved front-row seats, lunch boxes, special thanks and more.
※Early Bird plan ended on May 28

Virtual Sessions Pre-Reg

Pre-register now and answer the post-event survey to join our raffle for prizes! 


Virtual Session Dates: July 13th (Sat), July 14th (Sun)

Twitch Channel

TGDF's official Twitch channel for the Virtual Sessions. 


What's New

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